The Repurposing of Antique Buildings, also known as Adaptive Reuse, is the process of designing a new use or function for a historic building other than the one for which it was built while retaining the historic fabric and features of the space. It is also a way to save a neglected building from demolition and provide benefits for the environment by conserving natural resources and minimizing the need for new materials. Did you know that the most “green” building is the one that has already been built?
Historic Design Expertise:
- design an appropriate kitchen or bathroom for your one-of-a-kind antique home
- convert a former factory or other historic building into living or retail spaces
- advise on color schemes or other design elements that are suitable for the era of your historic building
- document existing space configuration and layouts
- develop concepts and explore feasibility of building repurpose
Preservation Needs & Feasibility Investigation
As-Built Documentation
Repurposing Concept Design
plus more
Every project is unique and every project gets an individual services proposal specific to your needs.